
Competing in the Olympic Trials During ED Treatment

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This was, hands down, the hardest experience of my life. As a professional runner (at the time), Olympic years mean the highest pressure. Add 10 hours a day in eating disorder treatment, and it’s literally a pressure cooker of physical and mental exhaustion, emotional turmoil, and self-doubt. I truly cannot describe how difficult this was for me to handle, and, to this day, I don’t fully understand how I was able to get through it. I do know that my support system of family, my partner, friends, and teammates helped me tremendously. Watch the video below to hear the full story.

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Great story, Allie. You are a hero.

Mike Durkin 1976 OLY

Picture of Allie Ostrander

Allie Ostrander

Runner and mental health advocate. I specialize in sarcasm, ice cream consumption, and laying on the floor.

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