
How Athletic Are Fitness Models?

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I am a full-blown advocate of ability over aesthetics. Too often, people associate a “look” with health, athleticism, or fitness; however, fit people can look completely different, even if they’re fit for the same sport or activity. With that said, there are still stereotypes and ideals that exist in our world, and fitness models are the physical display of those ideals. They typically have shredded abs, lean arms and legs, and tanned bodies. This isn’t meant to say that their bodies are wrong in any way, it’s just to explain that those bodies are aesthetically pleasing to most of society, and give the image of fitness.

While the aesthetic strongly suggests that these models are fit, I was curious to see how challenging their training was, and if they are, in fact, as fit as they look. So, I found a fitness model with a YouTube channel, looked through her training and diet videos, and tried them for myself. Watch the video below to see what I thought.

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Picture of Allie Ostrander

Allie Ostrander

Runner and mental health advocate. I specialize in sarcasm, ice cream consumption, and laying on the floor.
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