
I really don’t want to call it a comeback…

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After a certain amount of injuries, it gets a little bit repetitive to call every single return to running plan a “comeback”, but, honestly, there isn’t really another word for it. I could say I’m rebuilding fitness or reintegrating running or returning to sport, but “comeback” is such a succinct way of saying all of those things. As much as I hate the term, I also kind of love it because the phrase “comeback” has such intense and nostalgic connotations. Every great sports movie includes an epic comeback and no success is sweeter than the one on the other side of a setback.

I have gone through many comebacks in my career, which is why I feel like a broken record saying it. However, I can’t deny that I took a significant amount of time off of running, lost some acute fitness, and have been fighting to claw my way back. The reality is that I’m not being dramatic, I’m just being truthful. And while we’re on the topic of truths, the truth is that I’m very excited to race at the end of this comeback 😉

Watch the video below to hear more about my return to running and how I am training.

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Picture of Allie Ostrander

Allie Ostrander

Runner and mental health advocate. I specialize in sarcasm, ice cream consumption, and laying on the floor.
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