
Training is Dynamic

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I have posted 4 “full weeks of workouts” videos on my YouTube channel within the last year, and none of them are the same, or really even that similar. My training is constantly evolving based on my goals, health status, phase of training, and season of the year. Currently, I am coming back from an injury, training for long trail races, and entering my racing season. That means that I’m integrating a lot of hiking and long cross hours, introducing more running, and increasing the intensity while lowering volume in the weight room. My training is never exactly what I want it to be, but I am so happy to be able to train and do whatever I can to build fitness. Watch the video below to see my week in full detail.

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Picture of Allie Ostrander

Allie Ostrander

Runner and mental health advocate. I specialize in sarcasm, ice cream consumption, and laying on the floor.
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