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Jumps & Multis

From the Hub

View from Section 123

Jack and Steve are in Eugene for the Olympic Trials and will be giving their daily observations, with a View from Section 123

Hayward Magic Abound at the Pre Classic

The Hayward Magic effect was on full display at the 2024 Prefontaine Classic, as some of the world’s best athletes put on a show for

Even More from the Hub

Jaydon Hibbert turns pro

The best triple jumper in collegiate history is going pro. On Thursday night, Jaydon Hibbert announced on Instagram that he would be foregoing his remaining

Top pro performances from 2023

2024 is only days away, which means that 2024 indoor and outdoor track and field season, as well as the road-racing scene will be here

To Race Or Not To Race

A race gives you a true measure of how your fitness is progressing, often forces you to take a few easy days before and