Virtual Training Center

woman with white sunvisor running

When in Doubt, Wait A Day

Distance runners, by nature, tend to be type “A” individuals. If a harder session (long run, intervals, hills, fartlek, tempo, etc) is set for a certain day, most runners – come hell or high water – like to stick to that planned schedule.

Sean Don’s Travel Day Q&A

Ahead of this year’s Kip Keino Classic in Nairobi, Kenya, knowing it was going to be long day of travel, I took to Instagram to


Expectation [ek-spek-tey-shuh n] noun 1. the act or the state of expecting: to wait in expectation. Best-pectation [be-spek-tey-shuh n] noun 1.   the act or the state of expecting the

My New Technical Model for Hammer

In this video, I’m working through a big technical overhaul, which has been kind of like learning how to throw the hammer backward, simplifying my