
Turning a Page in My Narrative

It’s been awhile since I’ve openly shared anything, and honestly, that’s because I felt it was important for me to not take myself so seriously

Update: I’m Still Here

I’ll start with this: obviously, things didn’t go at all how I hoped they would this cross country season…but I’m still smiling! However, for most

Part 1: Rediscovering Joy and Holding on to Hope

After dealing with nagging flare-ups over the winter, I finally put together a few weeks of consistent workouts, and they had seemed to indicate that I was ready to kick off my collegiate career

Small business owner hopes to cause change for disabled runners with campaign

“I want the experience of the athlete to live up to everything that our world says they deserve,” she said. “I want them to experience sport in a way that’s truly equal. I want them to live in a world where they’re seen as completely worthy of the same opportunity in sport. That means participating in the same races, and winning the same prize money.”

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

For those of a certain age who were into cutting-edge music, “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” was the title of a punk rock song by the Clash. For many of us today, it’s a question that we might be asking ourselves daily about our current jobs.