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Weekly Podcast Rundown
PODCASTS at a Glance
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2 Black Runners
A Running Podcast produced for and by the Culture!! Join Aaron & Joshua Potts every Tuesday for the most recent running news, insightful interviews, their perspective of the running world as 2 Black Runners, and much more!
A Runner's Life
Capturing the conversations that runner’s have offline and matter to them.
The podcast is hosted by Marcus and he explores the topics around training, racing, and the impact running has on our day to day lives.
Ali on the Run
Every week on the Ali on the Run Show, I talk with inspiring people who lead interesting lives on the run and beyond. And while running is what brings us all together, on these episodes, we’re digging a little deeper. These conversations are about the decisions people have made to get where they are today, and how getting sweaty has factored in. Whether you’re on the run toward something great or away from something that’s holding you back, join me on this never-ending adventure, and let’s all pick up the pace together.
All You've Got
Trevor Cichosz and Steph Garcia Cichosz sit down for in-depth “fireside chats” with top endurance athletes and adventure-seekers to learn about their latest endeavors, life trajectories and how they push themselves to new limits. Sometimes, all it takes is all you’ve got.
C Tolle Run
Get After It with Olympian Carrie Tollefson! Each week, Carrie and a different celebrity guest discuss running, fitness, and how to live a healthy, balanced life as a runner.
Citius Mag Podcast
A weekly podcast hosted by founder Chris Chavez. The show interviewing the stars of track and field every week. Whether it’s athletes, coaches, agents, writers or other interesting figures from running culture, we sit down for a laid back chat on the latest happenings in the sport.
Clean Sport Collective
The Clean Sport Collective is a community of powerful voices comprised of athletes, brands, events, clubs, fans and the public to support the pursuit of clean sport and athletics through the absence of performance enhancing drugs. With this podcast, we will celebrate clean athletes, educate you on issues in the world of clean sport, and bring hope that we can all believe in the power of fair play across all sports.
Coffee Club
A few runner bois sitting down drinking coffee and having a chat. We would love for you to join.
Convo's Over Coldbrew
Emma Abrahamson is a cold brew fanatic with a background in running, who shares her life on her YouTube channel and Instagram. Tune in to hear conversations with her friends about anything from relationships, social media, food and running. New episodes each week.
D3 Glory Days
A D3 Running Podcast hosted by Noah Droddy and Stu Newstat. D3 Glory Days take deep dives into some of the important names, events, and institutions that have shaped D3 running history, and represented the division in the greater sport as a whole. On the CITIUS MAG Podcast Network.
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Drew Hunter
Exploring the “why” in my running journey
Fast Women
Coverage of women’s competitive distance running
HMMR Media
Empowering athletes and coaches by providing the training videos, articles, podcasts, books, commentary, and more from our team of 20+ world-class coaches.
The Lap Count
A weekly newsletter delivered on Wednesday mornings that recap all the fun action from the world of track & field.
Minnesota Distance Elite
News from the Minnesota Distance Elite training group
The Morning Shakeout
Informed commentary, smart curation, and engaging exchanges about running and other worthwhile topics. Written by Mario Fraioli. Delivered to your inbox first thing every Tuesday morning.
NAZ Elite
News, calendar, and training details from the NAZ Elite training group. Sign-up to the newsletter a short scroll down the homepage.
NBC Olympics
Olympic news from the NBC Sports
Run Fast Eat Slow
Recipes, book tour events, virtual cooking classes, sneak peeks, and more!
Commentary on the global world of athletics, sports & ethics, and the Olympic movement.
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