
Grand Slam Track – Quick Take

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Yesterday Michael Johnson revealed the vision and some details for a brand new “League” that boldly seeks to lift our beloved sport out of it’s…..let’s call it, slump.

ON the track our sport has been soaring, particularly in the USA. OFF the track our sport has a host of problems…..aging stagnant fan base, disinterested TV networks, weak athlete income, lack of compelling showdowns, spotty governance, relentless doping news, etc.

You can read about the Grand Slam Track (GST) game plan here:

It’ll take time to digest the GST model itself, as well as the disruptive implications it will inevitably have on all other parts of our sport, but here’s a few quick reactions I have:


(1) It’s truly “Pro”. If we are to thrive as a pro sport we need to have a fully professional/business mindset. I like that the GST team has the freedom to operate without dependence on any federations or governing bodies. MJ, Kyle and other professionals leading GST love the sport and are smart. They understand that they will need to adjust the model over time.

(2) GST is bringing big money into our sport. Amen to that.

(3) Selected/participating athletes will be under contract, with associated obligations and rewards. This is a key ingredient to create fan engaging showdowns and associated marketing and storytelling.

(4) It’s disruptive without being overly gimmicky. It respects and embraces the beauty of our sport. That said GST will challenge and force reevaluation by all the other entities and events in our sport, including the other 2-3 well-funded start-ups that are preparing to launch, as well as all athletes. Some of this may be messy and painful, even risky, but real change probably doesn’t happen without this kind of disruptive force.


(1) Is the business model and the large spend sustainable? A big TV contract seems essential. The fairly quick demise of a somewhat similar well-funded Pro Swimming League, that didn’t catch on with the public, is a cautionary tale.

(2) No mention of sports gambling. In the works?

(3) A half empty view is to be concerned about a LIV effect (Pro Golf). That is, the running stars of the sport are sucked away into GST and the existing pro model suffers or fails. I’m thinking of the Diamond League; Athletes prioritizing GST events and pay days over Championships; Even less competition opportunities and income for “developing athletes” and field event athletes. The looming collegiate T&F program crisis puts an even finer point of the “developing athletes” issue.

I, for one, have been hungry for a disrupting moment in our sport. Here it is! Let’s ride this wave fearlessly.

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Will athletes be allowed to participate in Diamond League as well as GST? Who will be the interpreter of the ‘rules’? Will there be bonuses for showing up and penalties for ‘phoning it in ‘ performances? Gambling will eventually find its way, because our culture is so addicted to betting. What if an athlete on contract with GST gets injured, will there be a minor league team where athletes can be called up? Hey I didn’t even think of ‘minor league’ but that might be a possibility to consider. Will foreign athletes be allowed to compete and will there be a quota system guaranteeing a certain number of Americans in the competition? Lots of ‘what ifs’ and I haven’t even begun to think about it.

Picture of Jack Wickens

Jack Wickens

A timely conversation with neighbor Jim Spivey (3:49 miler) in 2006 was the catalyst for what is now Jack’s favorite philanthropic hobby - empowering pro athletes to succeed “off the track” and connect fans to this awesome sport. Jack leads the USA Track & Field Foundation’s athlete grant program and he founded AthleteBiz, the non-profit driver of this Fan Hub.

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