
What Is It Like to Be An Unsponsored Pro?

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There’s a lot of ambiguity around the phrase “professional runner.” No one seems to be able to actually put a definition behind it. On one hand, if you’re able to run times that qualify for the biggest and most important meets (e.g. US Championships), then you’re a professional runner. That gets a little bit blurred though, because NCAA athletes also run at those meets, and they aren’t professionals. On the other hand, a professional runner is someone who gets paid to run, so if you are making money, you’re a pro. However, what counts as making money is a very gray area. Is it a contract with a shoe company, appearance fees, prize money, sponsored posts on social media, free gear and travel, or revenue from sharing about running on a blog, YouTube channel, or other media site? The options are nearly endless, and that makes it hard to draw a line between professional, semi-professional, and….un-professional(?).

In my eyes, a true professional runner is someone that has a contract with a shoe company, so for the last year, I’ve considered myself a semi-pro. I’m able to make some money from sharing about my training and racing, winning prize money, sponsored posts on social media, and being given free gear and travel. However, being semi-pro means that my income is less guaranteed, so I am constantly hustling to make it happen. Watch the video below to see what a day in my life looks like.

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Picture of Allie Ostrander

Allie Ostrander

Runner and mental health advocate. I specialize in sarcasm, ice cream consumption, and laying on the floor.

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