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photo of person using treadmill

Treadmill Hills

With freezing rain on top of snow here in Minnesota, my mind is occupied with treadmill workouts

brown and white track field

New Year’s Message

Grant your process-oriented goals equal if not greater importance than outcome-oriented goals.. After a little down time around the holidays, it’s great to be back to the

person in jacket running on snow covered ground

Slow Snow Running

I just want to put in a plug for running through the snow, regardless of (and maybe even because of) how much it slows you

PODCASTS at a Glance

CtolleRun gets the big interview of the week with Futsum Zienasellassie, fresh off his CIM win in his debut marathon. Lactic Acid has a great chat with Marvin Bracy-Williams.

PODCASTS at a Glance

Plenty of podcast content for NCAA XC fans with a fascinating interview with Parker Valby (Convos Over Cold Brew), Nico Young (CitiusMag) and a great recap (Coffee Club).